While I would prefer to see the slab companies permanently leave the hobby, I'm ready to gear up for "Plan B" at the 2002 convention -- which is to make their attendance (if they show up) even more unproductive and unprofitable than at the 2001 convention.
On a somewhat related note, I heard a radio interview a few weeks ago on a San Diego station regarding the ComicCon (Comics Convention) held at the San Diego convention center. A big deal with 50,000 in attendance. The interviewee was a long-time comics collector, who remarked that after a few years of speculators and price inflation, that comic prices had settled down and many of the speculators had left. No specific mention of comics slabbing (yes they really do slab & seal comic books!), but I was heartened to hear that the speculators aren't always successful in pushing their weight around.