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The Chip Board Archive 05

The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.

As stated before, the Regency Casino is closed. Larry Long (owner, or past owner once escrow closes) has decided to retire from gaming ownership and move to Oregon for a little fishing and horsemanship. I stopped by the Regency last Friday and spent an hour with Larry, and I thank him for his time.

He relayed some interesting information, which I hope to get into an up-coming issue of the Club magazine. And no, he was not at liberty to tell me who he sold the property to. sad

I did manage to get Larry's autograph, and one extra as a trader. If you have another casino owner's autograph chip, or other celebrity, please LMK, we might work something out.


Jim Follis

Messages In This Thread

The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.
Re: The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.
Slippery Slope Ralph...Sure don't look like LE's!
Re: The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.
John, I have no information either way...
Re: Silver Coins or Tokens?
Again, I know nothing about that.
Re: The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.
I "suspect" not.....
Re: The latest on the Regency, Laughlin, NV.
Arthur, Welcome to the Board.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg