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The Chip Board Archive 05

The Anti-Slab "LIST" Needs You

I am not sure how many we need on the "LIST" before our club officers will listen to us. 350 was not enough. We need you!!
Email Andy Hughes

Or just reply to this post.



I will NOT buy any slabbed chip.
I will NOT have any slabbed chip in my collection.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who sells slabbed chips.
I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who grades chips for a slabbing service
I will NOT do business of any kind with any dealer who participates in any
way in the slabbing of chips.

Al Kleindienst R-2536
Al W. Moe (Pending)
Alan Borenstein R-1611
Alan Johanson R-4463
Albert Rollins R-278
Albert Scalzo LM-2 - (President of the Great Lakes Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Allan Anderson R-2927
Allan Ellis R-4883
Allan Myers CH-27 - (Co-author of The Gaming Table & The Chip Rack)
Allen Banick
Amy Andrae R-3605 - (President of the Ohio River Valley Chapter of the CC>CC
Andrea Moericke R-3944 - (Director At Large of the Southern Nevada Chapter of CC>CC
Andrea Zaslawsky R-3139A
Andy Hughes R-2471
Angie Montebello R-337A
Ann Skelton R-1003A
Anne Plawski R-4894A
Archie Black HLM-1 - (Past President of the CC>CC for 11 years
Art Dietze R-3741
Barry Hauptman R-4196
Bernie Sloan R-4557
Betty Gardner R-3803A
Bill Payne R-543
Bill Sargent R-5057
Bill Tankersley
Bill Thompson R-4581
Bob Cunningham R-873
Bob Dimler R-1338
Bob Gabel R-2135
Bob Ginsburg (CT) R-1635
Bob Ginsburg R-1229
Bob Hermans R-4479
Bob Levy R-5109
Bob Miksztal
Bob Orme R-3576
Bob Pivinski R-5016
Bob Rago
Bob Reno R-2878
Bob Stoops R-3614
Bob Whiteman R-2498
Bob Zigler
Brenda Black CH-1A
Brian Bishop R-2892
Brian Crisler
Brian T. Cashman R-1121
Brian Wegner
Brien Bellous R-5061
Bruce Karli R-5012
Bruce Landau CH-2 - (Treasurer of the CC & GTCC from 1988 to 1993)
Bruce Weston R-1111
Bryan Jimison R-4813
Calvin Polansky R-3455
Carey Burke R-1095
Carl Cole R-4711
Carl Shalit R-3075
Carole Reeves R-4601A
Charlene Brach R-761A
Charles Feltner R-3217
Charles Galliano R-3076A
Charles Kaplan - R-2558 (President of the New York Metro Chapter of the CC>CC
Charlie Wasson R-4184
Cheryl Lowe R-3003
Chris Gaito R-4675A
Chris Hendrix R-4315
Chuck Smith R-3476 - (President of the Midwest Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Chuck Smorse R-3632
Chuck Swain R-4104
Chuck Tomarchio R-377 - (Past Treasurer of the CC & GTCC - 1992-1998)
Clinton Boyle R-2432
Curtiss R. Richardson R-4935
D. Todd Desnoyers R-5037
Dale Horyna R-4704
Dan Clark R-4036
Dan Lewis R-4142
Daniel Witkowski (Pending)
Dann Angus R-508
Daryl Lamb R-1714A
Dave Bingham R-5020
Dave Claseman R-3397
Dave Nelson R-3191
Dave Steiner
David Hench R-4357
David Johnston R-2314
David Moore R-4214
David Owens R-4744
David Poore R-4811
David Valentine R-2910
Dawn Citino R-5114
Dean Porter R-2123
Dean Porter R-2123
Debi Kruse R-632A
Debroah Wohle
Dennis Crandall R-5109
Dennis P. Berry R-4234
Dennis Sherrill R-2554
Dennis Zeller R-1278
Dick Allard R-536 - (CC & GTCC Club Promotions Chairman)
Dick Brach R-0761 - (President of the Atlantic City Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Dick Covington R-967
Doc Finstuen
Don Anderson R-4288
Don Conrad R-2585
Don Covello R-971
Don Kessler R-507
Don T. Nesbitt Jr. R-4244
Don Zeni R-4846
Donna Herhold R-4067A
Donna Karli R-5012A
Doris Magiera R-4979
Doug Barnes R-4866
Doug Cundiff R-3782 - (Vice-President of the Great Lakes Chapter of the CC>CC
Doug Jacob R-4591
Doug Spear R-4079
Dr. A. Karmen R-152
Dwight 'Skip' Harouff R-4338
Ed Carrion R-4623
Ed Kurtz CH-95
Ed Noel R-1083
Elaine Martello R-4383
Eric Chizum R-4412
Eugene Graze R-3584
Fran Alejandre
Fran Betker R-2308A
Francis Y. Ushiroda R-549
Frank Hocevar
Fred Bergman R-421
Fulton Cochran
G. Perry Leonard, Jr. R-163
Gait Heutink R-3926
Gary Curtis R-4321
Gary Shepherd R-950
Gary Tucker R-0815
Gene Trimble R-2192 - (Elections Chairman - CCGT&CC)
George Barclay R-4052
George Conrad R-2830
George Dmitrevsky R-125
George Gentle
George T. Davis R-2012
Gil Lovell R-4440
Glenda Blake
Gordon Ellison R-5151
Greg Galloway R-4061
Greg Hale R-4065
Greg Moore R-2741
Greg Susong R-2120
Harold Sauer R-4097
Harry White R-1389
Harvey Levine R-1423
Howard Pryor R-2853
Ida Turner R-3258
Irwin Gross R-130
J.R. Becker R-4934
Jack Heiman R-2905
Jack Valente R-1451
James E. Kelly
Jan Waite, R-3236A
Janice O'Neal CH-8 - (Past Vice-President of the CC>CC for 9 years
Jay Sands R-4390
Jeremy Meyers
Jerry Birl LM-27
Jerry Maassen
Jerry O'Neal CH-88 - (Past President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC>CC
Jerry Stargot R-2911
Jerry Ulmer R-4720
Jess Lucero R-4500
Jill Bitner R-4943
Jim Cassidy R-1221
Jim Episale R-2824
Jim Fredrickson R-5180
Jim Gaito R-4675
Jim Gardner R-3803
Jim Hackett R-4526
Jim Kruse R-632 - (Past President of the Kansas City Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Jim Litnar R-4487
Jim Molloy R-4895
Jim Perlowski R-2848
Jim Reilly R-3606 - (Candidate For president CC>CC)
Jim Turnbow R-4754
Joe Fiore R-2451
Joe Galliano R-3076
John Massimiani R-2775
John R. Riggins R-2487
John Rudden R-513
John Zoesch
JoJo Massimiani R-5209
Joseph Andrews R-4351
Joseph McMullen R-1902
Josh Shore R-4238
Katie Smith R-4356
Keith Reeves R-4601
Kem Fisk R-802
Kent Hedberg R-5055
Kerry Waite R 3236
Kim Steve R-4636
Kyle Gorman R-4626
Larry "Flash" Betker R-2308
Larry Spiegel
Larry Trapp R-287
Leah Snowden R-4048A
Lee Robillard R-3615A
Leroy Zaslawsky R-3139
Linda Lowery
Linda Weisenstein R-2623
Linda Zacchi R-4686A
Liz Conrad R-2830A
Lois Tessmer R-3121
Lori Leggio R-4002A
Lorin Lee
Lorraine Lilley
Lou Rey R-5272
Louis F. Dilossi
Luke Rapley R-3867
Lyle Cornelius
Malcolm McNeil
Marc Shapiro R-2871
Marie Austin
Mark Chipman
Mark Erickson R-4661
Marty Kaplan R-3634 - (Contributing Editor for Casino Player Magazine)
Marv Weaver R-1014
Marvin Covitz R-4968
Mary Jane Kelly
Mary Lee Fortner R-3515A - (Past President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of CCGTCC
Merle English R-5186
Merrill Johnson R-179
Michael Knapp CH-7 - (Secretary of the CC & GTCC from 1988-1998 & Co-author of TCR&TGT
Michael Ludwig R-3126
Michael Par
Mike Auterson
Mike Campagna R-499
Mike Canterbury
Mike Herhold R-4067
Mike Pasternack LM-1238-33
Mike Poole R-5171
Mike Quinlivan R-3194
Mike Robison R-4977
Mike Skelton HLM-1003 - (CC & GTCC Convention Chairman 1995, 1996, 1997 & 1998
Mike Spinetti R-2136
Milt Sculky R-3641
Morty Frankel R-1633
Nancy Diaz R-327A
Neal Silverman R-1379 - (Contributing Editor for Casino Player Magazine)
Nicholas Ybarrondo
Nick Fritz R-1592
Nick Moericke R-3944A - (Vice-President of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CCGTCC
Nick Nicholson R-2706
Norm Botoshe R-3990
Norm Clem
Pat Lamb R-1714
Patty Moulder R-5333
Paul Fortner R-3515
Paul Liscio R-2949
Paul Murphy R-3706
Paul Sax R-4423
Paul Stargot R-2893
Paul Wahl R-664
Pete Porro R-1040
Pete Rizzo
Peter Sanders R-4182
Peter Van der Kar R-3684
Philip Rieman R-5103
Ralana Bergman R-421A
Randal Hawkins R-2713
Randy Daniels R-2904
Ray Furlong R-5196
Ray Moritz (Vice-President of the Silver Strikes Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Rena Perlowski R-3382
Rhimou Johnston R-2314A
Rich Figarotta R-1593
Rich Hodges R-4210
Richard A. Fellman R-3881
Richard A. Nelson
Richard Price R-4206
Richard Reynolds R-4677
Richard Reynolds R-4958
Richard Schachet R-3223
Rick Andrae R-3605A - (Secretary of the Silver Strikes Chapter of the CC>CC
Rick Fowler R-496
Rick Miner R-5270
Rick Pokracki R-3113
Rick Robillard R-3515
Rick Schwarz
Robert Ensley R-1919
Robert G. Rux R-3488
Robert Montebello R-337
Robert Mruczek R-4333
Robert Newton R-4163
Robert Pardue CH-3 - (CC & GTCC Librarian)
Robert Quental R-4197
Robert Touts R-4583
Robyn Curtis R-4321A
Ron Kirzner R-3835
Ron Leis R-3110
Ron Piltzer R-5067
Rona Caprista R-120A
Roy Baldwin R-4155
Roy Bodien R-2345
Roy Brennan R-2304
Russ Diaz R-327
Russell Bailey R-5038
Russell Leff
Ryan Pedro (Pending)
Sal D. Rubino R-4013
Scott Blackburn R-5112
Scott Bockert
Scott Brodsky R-424
Scott Harmon R-4940
Scott Stamp R-5008
Sean Reilly R-3606A
Shane M. David
Shawn Anderson R-4562
Skip Sesling
Steve Blust R-4120 - (Vice-President of the Nor-Cal-Nev Chapter of the CC>CC
Steve Conroy R-5030
Steve Cutler R-1002
Steve Gilmore
Steve Goodrich R-306
Steve Hindson
Steve McLendon R#669
Steve Passalacqua CH-44
Steve Piccolo R-821
Steve Snowden R-4048
Steve Soden R-654
Steve Zacchi R-4686
Steven Preston
Sunday Silverman R-4065A
Susan Kobylarczyk R-690
Thom Williamson R-4974
Todd Barrett R-5068
Todd Dingley (President of the Nor-Cal-Nev Chapter of the CC & GTCC)
Tom Casey R-3904
Tom Duffy R-1210
Tom Hitselberger R-343
Tom Leggio R-4002
Tom Manning R-1594
Tom Plawski R-4894
Tom Thompson R-2800
Tony Tricoli R-2084
Travis Lewin R-111
Tricia Narhi R-4619
Tyrus Mulkey LM-2211-21 - (Secretary of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the CC>CC
Victor Salnicky R-4998
Vince Caprista R-120
Walt Dibeler R-4506
Walt Gonski R-1502
Walter Tarby R-574
Warren C. Triplett R-4579
Wayne W. Murphy R-467
Wayne Weaver
William Dill R-3230
William Miller R-1152
Woody Pizzi R-4737
James McFadden R-5036

Copyright 2022 David Spragg