Tom, I have always used regular envelopes where the postage was only $0.34¢. Why do you need to send them in a bubble wrap?
As far as I know, none of mine ever arrived damaged. Assuming you pay $0.50 for a bubble wrap, that added to the $0.57¢ still does not add up to $1.50 which you said was the actual postage rate and nothing added on.
As a matter of fact, the $0.43¢ does make a difference since you so clearly stated that you were charging the actual postage. I don't see you charging only $0.50¢ (the cost of yor wrapper and giving the buyer the benefit of the $0.43¢ error.
Basis economics teaches that it is easier to make money by lowering your expenses than by selling more goods. I remember someone on the board selling bubble wrappers for less than half of what your paying for them. But since your passing the expense on to the buyer, I suppose it doesn't matter to you.
As far as a list of keys, I am all out of them at present as I sold them all. They didn't cost me anything and I felt bad that I even charged $0.25¢. If I can't trade the next batch I accummulate, I will again have them for sale for the 4 keys for a $1.00 or give them away free. Again, they didn't cost me anything so I won't lose anything. Have you ever considered doing the same thing? You would be surprised the good will you may encounter and the benefit you would receive down the road.
Good luck on your sale.