...and to do some of my own thinking out loud...
I will not do business with any dealer who participates in the slabbing of chips.
Is that the origin of the leap to boycott shows that permit the sale of slabbed chips? I signed the pledge to show others where I stood on the subject, hoping only to influence others to consider the matter with as much seriousness as I have. I haven't been intimidated by name-calling or hyperbole from those who disagreed in this manner. And I don't wish to intimidate others who have their own thought on slabbing. I believe the influence of the list is because of the quantity of names and the quality of the people with those names. I've put my name on the list, a list whose statements I support 100%, voted my convictions, and will always express my ideas on this subject in genuine effort to keep slabbing from harming our hobby. I don't wish to penalize slab-free dealers who happen to find themselves at a show whose promoter has accepted show fees from a slabber. I'll be at the shows and practicing my conviction to patronize those who only sell genuine hobby items. The convention show is too large a part in our club's entity to ignore, boycotting the show seems harmful to the club I think. I still think slabbing is harmful to the hobby and I don't want my club to participate in that harm and will keep working to head CCGTCC away from the slab industry. I support Gene and Jim Kruze and believe they are working and sacrificing to meet the same goals as I.