Let's have some fun!!
Posted By: Jim Essig
1)I went to the post office and found that you can mail 3 slot cards with one stamp or 9 with two stamps.
2)Mail me three or 9 slot cards.
3)I will mail back to you 3 or 9 different cards.
1) Means he DISCOVERED the postage of 1 stamp was ADAQUATE to send (your) 3 cards OR 2 stamps was ADAQUATE to send (your) 9 cards.
2) Means send him 3 OR 9 cards only (Your option). NO MENTION of sending stamps.
3) HE will send YOU 3 or 9 cards (pending OPTION YOU MADE in #2)
Note: IF it WAS expected for YOU to pay postage BOTH ways, 3 cards would cost you a WHOPPING 10.6 CENTS each or 9 cards would cost you a WHOPPING 7.5 CENTS! (Not much of a business man ) Since I have GIVEN AWAY nearly 350 cards (and I paid the postage), I guess THAT makes ME the dumbest guy in America!
Paul, how much ya' want for the bridge?
Big Dummy