;;;The Atlantic City chip program seems to suffer the reverse. Virtually all issues are easily obtained by all, are available in quantities and for most part are now are nothing but cannon fodder.
On a recent E-bay auction a $25 Pavarotti chip [issue 400] was posted at face and had no buyers.;;;
Robert, I for one, (albeit probably the anomaly in our community,) am quite satisfied with the Atlantic City distribution system. The only way for me to acquire chips from out of my area, is to be able to get them for an inexpensive price (no more than $7.00 each for a $5.00 chip) or else by means of a trade, If I had to pay $8.00, I would not be able to afford it and would have to find another hobby less expensive.
Personally, I care less if the chips ever increase in value or do I care if everyone else has the same chip. I am not competing with anyone. I collect and buy for my own satisfaction.
If I was looking for an investment, I would put all my money in the slot machines that quarantee a 97% or whatever return on my investment.