People drive Rolls Royce's and wear Rolex watches Not because they are better but because they can afford them and I can not. My 1989 Yugo with the green fender and my Timex perform the same functions as their expensive toys.
As long as people will continue to pay, and there will always be a group that will, it will continue.
The Atlantic City chip program seems to suffer the reverse. Virtually all issues are easily obtained by all, are available in quantities and for most part are now are nothing but cannon fodder.
On a recent E-bay auction a $25 Pavarotti chip [issue 400] was posted at face and had no buyers.
The Claridge has stopped issuing chips [at least for the time being] because they are drowning in them. New Issues this year can be counted on one hand.
I see this as being no better.
No new issues and traders no one wants.