Mr. Karoll: This "scarcity=desirability" theory of yours only holds true with the chip brokers you are catering to, that are only there to make a buck or two off your (and all other casino) chip releases.
"Collectors" are, for the most part, only interested in being able to acquire one of each issue released.
The way it is now most of us have to buy from these chip brokers or go without. I, for one, choose to go without if I can't go to the casino and get it for myself. To me, and others like me, that is a big part of the fun of collecting.
One more thing you might want to consider is when collectors come to your casino to pick up a chip, we almost always play at least a little and most times eat at the restaurant while we are there. In short we patronize the casino. When a chip broker comes to pick up their reserved supply, they are in and out-zip.
Sincerely a dedicated chip and token collector
Janice O'Neal