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The Chip Board Archive 05

Blue Chips - By Renfield

I have often wondered what the story was on the markings on these old poker chips. I had heard they were named for a whisky. I had heard they were just a set of chips made for home use and they were made by Renfield.

Here is the answer. I got a set of these in a cardboard box with playing cards from chipper Paul Brown. Renfield was a liquor distributor in New York, importing from Scotland, England, and France. You will probably recognize some of the brands on the back of the card. The chips are a polished, translucent Bakelite (they pass the formaldehyde test). Size is 37 mm.

You can have a set of three chips with a playing card of my choice for $7, postpaid.

By the way, there are no blue chips [g], only ivory, red, and black.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg