Hi all,
Heres the lastest gossip from the coolest place on the planet. Director of gaming Mark Kelly (really cool dude) has resigned his position and is headed new role with a major strip hotel. His replacement yet to be named. I don't see any effect on the chip program as it is mainly Warwick's baby. On a sad note boxman Jim Turner died in a auto accident on the way to work Friday night. He had been caring for his terminally ill wife for sometime. The family was really struggling. I will except any donations to my paypal account. Donations will be excepted till Wednesday. Please note for JT when making donation. Hard Rock also has several new department heads recently including a new head of marketing. What new strategies are in store Stay Tuned! Starbucks is now open for you all you diehards who stand in that early morning chip line. Make sure you get a buy nine get one free card. Thats all for now remember to keep on rock'n'.