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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Does anyone collect these?

Don't know about in the rooms but I would think that those hotels that offer water with custom lables in the casino probably put the same water in the rooms. When out in June I saw a couple of places with their own labels. I think Aladdin was one. There was another that I saw but can't remember where. Only other places I got to that trip were Orleans which I know does not, Harrah's, Luxor, Fitz, Mandalay and Barbary which I don't think so.

I do tend to drink bottled here at home in a Chicago Suburb. Water is real good here as far as clean Probably some of the cleanest in the country. But, being on the lake there are certain tastes that I do not like. Explaination from the village is Zebra Mussles. They have cleaned the water in Lake Michigan to the point that light is penetrating the water deeper than before. Combined with lowering levels in the lake. Alge in the water is growing more than ever before. Not harmful but in summer months especially, the water can have a strange taste. Combine that with the taste of chlorine and a few other chems and minerals that are added I personally do not like it. When I drink straight water I prefer bottled. If I am making tea or something else I use tap. In those cases, it doesn't matter.

As for in Vegas the only reason I would drink bottled is if I were going out to the strip or by the pool and would take a bottle or two with me. With the heat and dryness out there it is smart to make sure you have some water with you in case. It is portable, and you can put a couple in your backpack or whatever. Usually, in Vegas, I do not drink much water anyways. There is alot of better stuff out there that I do not indulge in enough here. HURRICANES.

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Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Bob, you must stay...
Re: Bob, you must stay...
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Slippery Slope...self maintaining! vbg
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Re: Does anyone collect these?
Hate to Admit it... but YES!
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Re: I Collect Ice From Casinos!

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