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The Chip Board Archive 05


Hello ALL, there is a list of all DAILY JACKPOT winners at the bottom of this LONG post :).
The Daily Jackpot winner is randomly selected from all the auction winners for that particular day. We close an average of 300 auctions per day...if you were to win 5 auctions in a single day, your odds of winning would be 1 in 60...or 1.6%. If there were 200 auctions that closed on that day...your odds would be 1 in 40...or 2.5%. 100 auctions = 1 in 20, or 5%. Of course, the odds grow truer in a longer run, the more auctions you win, the better your odds...some winners won on only 1 or 2 winning bids...some have won with many winning bids.
I have checked the overall probability rate, and it has ran consistent...and YES, some users have won more than once...but those users win alot of auctions, or were just plain LUCKY...that's the beauty of random...YOU ALL HAVE A CHANCE,(as long as you win at least one auction on that particular day). There were a few cases where a user won 30 or more auctions in a given day, and of course that dramatically increased their chances of winning. EVERY user that wins an auction on that particular day is eligble to win the DAILY JACKPOT with the exception of anyone that works for, or their relatives....this exception also applies to all other JACKPOTS including the $1,000 JACKPOT and referral bonuses...this keeps everything fair!
It's not a bad deal when you think about it...we have had several users that would win many low priced auctions, then win the Daily Jackpot as well...ending up getting alot more value in chips,(when you figure the value of the Daily Jackpot into the formula).
I'm sure anyone that has looked in mathmatic probability...or has played blackjack or poker...or craps, has seen instances that seem to go exactly against the laws of the "short run"...but in the long run, the odds always prevail. Once, I saw the # 26 come in 5 TIMES in a row at a roulette table...even though the odds are 1 in 38 of it coming in 1 time...almost 80,000,000 in 1 of it coming up 5 TIMES STRAIGHT! But that's the crazy thing about numbers...YOU CAN'T ALWAYS COUNT ON THEM :) , (in the short run).
As far as I know, is the ONLY chip venue that gives away a FREE Casino chip or Silver Strike EVERY DAY....ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Here's a list of the last 44 winners: 36 DIFFERENT winners, 7 repeat winners, 1 THREE time winner!
($10 Osheas CC>CC Silver Strike LTD 500)
Glenn Fox

(Lenny Kravitz $25)
Ross Poppel

($5 Paris Jeton)
David Ruffell

($20 Sahara Plaque)
Scott Held

(Riviera token slots)
Lee H. O'Dell

(Riviera 8 Ball $25 chip)
William R. Buck

(New $10 Osheas CC>CC Silver Strike LTD 500)
Robert Pardue

(Hard Rock $25 Van Morrison Chip)
Al Grabow

(Dunes Baccarat $20 Chip)
William R. Buck

(Riviera token Grand Opening 1955)
Lee H. O'Dell

(Riviera token Splash)
Richard A. Fellman

($5 Paris Jeton "tabs")
Linda Finn

(Caesars Palace "Trumpeteer" Silver Strike)
Lee H. O'Dell

(Osheas Decision 2000 Elephant and Donkey Silver Strikes)
Skip & Mary Ann Harouff

(Caesars Palace "Trumpeteer" Silver Strike)
Dr. David L. Roberts

(Riviera token slots)
Edwin J.Charnuk

(Hard Rock $25 Van Morrison Chip)
Michael Knapp

(Riviera token Splash)
Greg Birdsell

(Sahara $500 Chip)
Mark W. Brown III

(Osheas Decision 2000 Elephant and Donkey Silver Strikes)
Gabriel Vallido

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token (Grand Opening))
Tetra Walker

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Slots)
Ron Leis

(King 8 $100 Chip)
Michael Knapp

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Splash)
Dennis Garnier

(HR halloweens)
Skip & Mary Ann Harouff

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Slots)
mel dunlap

(Buffalo Bills LTD $25 Millenium Chip)
Dick Bartley

(New York New York 4th Anniversary Silver Strike)

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token (Grand Opening))
sheldon smith

(Hard Rock Lenny Kravitz $25 Chip)
duke eyman

Thomas J. Bondi

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Grand Opening))
Thomas J. Bondi

(Osheas Decision 2000 Elephant and Donkey Silver Strikes)
aaron e. darnell

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Grand Opening))
Arthur Dietze

Roy Breitenstein

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Splash))
clyde cabic

($10 Plaza CC>CC 2001 Silver Strike LTD 1500)
Howard Pryor

($10 Riviera Hand-Painted Gaming Token(Slots))
gordon ellison

(Hard Rock NCV Pindex Chip)
Jeff Buckner

($10 Treasure Island Millenium Series Silver Strike)
Jeff Buckner

(Hard Rock $5 Halloween '96 Chip & The Hard Rock $5 Playboy Chip)

($10 Plaza CC>CC 2001 Silver Strike LTD 1500)
Stephen Fisher

(2 HR V-days)
Skip & Mary Ann Harouff

($10 Flamingo Millenium $10 Silver Strike)
Pam Corry
Thanks for your time,
Dan Mills

Copyright 2022 David Spragg