I have photographed and scanned chips for inventory purposes. I found that, actually, the digital photographs look better. I can take my chips and place on a nice background in a well lit window and the light is more even and makes the colors look more natural etc. I put down a background and use a tripod. I set the camera up and just change the chips underneath. I am not familiar with the camera you are looking at or what size images 1.3 mpxls will yield but one thing that you want to look for is what image sizes will your camera create. 1.3mpxls refers to the file size not Image size ( Hgt x Wdth = Mgpxls). The image at the bottom of this post is 105 x 105. I believe the 1.3 cameras will yield images large enough for eBay auctions.
I would caution you that you may want more though. Once you get into digital photography you may want to use the camera on vacation etc. You may find that it would be more economical to consider all possible uses you may have rather than just one. Remember one important factor in Digital Photography. You can always take a large image and make it smaller but a smaller image can not be made larger without noticable degradation to the quality of the image. Don't just think of your eBay auctions but also consider if you ever make a print what sizes will you want. Ie. 8 x 10, 5x7 etc. You might find that it would be worth it to spend a little more and get a 2+mpxls.