The reality is, coins and chips have some significant differences. Banks don't control US currency issues the way casinos control chip issues. And "sold out" can affect a chip's value in very much the same way as "obsolete." I simply believe they are not automatically interchangable terms.
No matter how you define obsolete, sometimes the only thing that can guarantee a chip won't find itself in current use is utter, total destruction. There are several examples of chips from one California cardroom showing up in a different cardroom after the first one closed and everyone was sure the chips were obsolete. Another classic example is the Bonanza Inn chip below. Out of use for 20 years, casino name change, then BAM! there they are on the craps table. What does it take to make a chip obsolete anyhow ? (I didn't know you could say BAM! on Greg's board
Like you say, it would be nice to have a consensus on a glossary so we have a consistent method of communication at least amongst ourselves. Doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon!