... when she posted .... "BUT WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO assessing a status of "obsolete" - as long as the issuing entity recognizes the debt and honors it - they are NOT obsolete. They are "current" and "good as gold".
"Redeeming" and "recognizes debt and honors it" is the same thing in my book, Larry.
Jill's opinion is that if the bank honors, or redeems obsolete coins, that makes them current ... which I disagree. These coins are still obsolete as far as I'm concerned.
As for the Sacajawea dollars that you brought up ...; of course they are current. How many would you like? Just ask for them at most banks in the country and they will be glad to accomodate you, or they can order some from their nearest Federal Reserve Bank.
I've nothing further to respond to your posts on this subject Larry. Maybe Dean or Kelley will debate your hypotheticals with you.