I have been fighting with this for a while. My results are reasonably good to date. What I have found is that a 100dpi scan (using a flatbed scanner) likes OK for the web, but doesn't give enough definition when it is blown up. It keeps the file size small (jpg about 6-8K each chip)- and keeps the chip at the actual chip size (without having to change the attributes for the web). An example is
My biggest problem with this is getting the color right. A chip like is flourescent orange (pink too) looks washed out.
For checkmate, I found that scanning it to 150dpi works well. It makes a larger scan (the chip is bigger than real life) but you can blow up the chip and keep the definition - and even see some things like satin or linen finishes on the chip, or nicks on the H&C edges.
Cameras work well for other items, such as mugs (I will put up some over the weekend), and children or dogs (they just won't stay still on the scanner). Also, the higher resolution seems to work well with the flourescent colors.