The Free Market argument is not valid.
What you say is that Pete Sanders now discarding his Free Market ideology? perhaps becoming a communist or even worse a Democrat?
No. not to worry. I still believe in the Free Market.
The reason that the argument that The SlabFree movement is interfering with the Free Market is invalid because because it is based upon the incorrect proposition that the SlabFree movement is a force external to the Free Market.
Simply put, the SlabFree movement is just as much a part if the Free Market as are the Slabbers.
I do not understand why it is that people make a Free Market argument when what they really are saying is "IN A MARKET WHICH ELIMINATES THE SLABFREE MOVEMENT" . . . that is not a Free Market that is an Unbalanced Market
You talk about aspects of chip collecting which you don't care for. I happen to share your distaste for some of those. But there is a difference between autographed chips and Slabbed Chips.
When we compare the transaction of having a chip autographed and having a chipped slabbed the significant difference is in who is affected.
The act of your getting a chip autographed affects only you and your chip. There are no significant externalities. (Externalities are effects upon people outside of the transaction).
On the other hand, there are significant externalities associated with Slabbing. These include the creating price inflation and at the same time arbitrary devaluation.
You may believe that these external effects are either non-existent or insignificant, but obviously many of us don't share that belief. Perhaps you right and we are wrong. Perhaps we are right and you wrong. Perhaps we are both wrong.
But it is a key element to a Free Market that those who may be effected by the external affects of anothers transaction be permitted to assert their market power to reduce those effects or dissuade that transaction.