Bob, Please tell your wife the following:
Chipper is a 3 month young Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) He was just weighed in at 2 lbs. and should mature to no more than 3 1/2 lbs (I hope.)
One of our two 12 years old Yorkies who just died 3 months ago was 2 1/4 lbs. at his maximum weight (one of the smallest Yorkies ever recorded in the U.S.--one who lived in Australia was smaller.) His sister who died just 3 months prior was 3 lbs.
Chipper will go with us EVEYWHERE as did his brother and sister before him--restaurants, movies, hotels, etc. if he is as good as he is now and his siblings before him. If we get to your show this fall, he will be with us there as well.
Hope this helps now that you know more that you ask for