While in Laughlin (recently) I spotted a new game (new to me) at the Flamingo. (BTW-The SIC BO table is still gone.) Anyway, Monopoly, Blackjack Edition is the game. Although no one was there playing the game, I asked the dealer how it is played. He said, just like Bonus Blackjack (where you make a side wager that you plan on getting a really, really good hand). But instead of getting paid a bonus for a blackjack, or a sbonus for a suited marriage, or suited cards, if you get a blackjack, then you can keep the bonus or go for another kind of bonus. If you want to go further, the dealer offers you the opportunity to tap (push-down on) a plastic top-hat, which inturns lights up a color screen (mounted on a pole above the table, so on-lookers can see it), which displays a Monopoly board. Pushing the button (top-hat) causes a playing piece to move from property to property until you hit the button again to stop playing piece movement. Depending upon what property the piece stops at, you will be given that award in lieu of the bonus. That new award may be less than the bonus, or a lot more. I imagine hitting Boardwalk is better that hitting Baltic Ave.
Scanned below is the flyer for this game. It was developed by Mikohn. Sure wish I had a job there!