Andy, I am sorry that you took my posts the way you did. I will re-read them to make sure but I thought I mentioned in another post that I appreciate the many dealers that I have bought from that are very fair. The dealers who feel that they can make a fair return without taking advantage of the situation. I am not sure if I have had dealings with you so that is probably why I didn't think of checking your site. If I have bought from you, please refresh my memory. Also I am not sure who you are referring to, George? Since I have not met any of the folks here personally I do not recognize everyone's names.
I had no intention of lumping All dealers into my comments. I did not know of your's or George's prices as I never saw them. I did see Josh's and was only saying that It was higher than I expected. I bought my Valentines chips for $19 and $20 back in February. I will even look up to see who I bought them from. I should have the information saved in my e-mail somewhere. When I mentioned "a little higher than I preferred", that is what I was referring to. It may sound a little petty, quibbling over a couple bucks but, planning on trying to pick up a couple holograms, price was a factor. If I had seen a price for <$19 it would have been a no-brainer. $23 took a little thought and $45 or $50 was No Way. After placing my order with Josh, I believe with a Limit One, I looked elsewhere. Pete only listed with orders of $100 or more. Very tempting but I didn't have $100 worth of stuff to buy from him. I thought that was a very creative business idea. (No Criticism Intended.) At least he is giving value with the deal by providing you with products of value. A couple others were at $45 or $49. All my other regular dealers didn't seem to have any.