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The Chip Board Archive 05

Tahoe chip help needed

Is anyone in the Tahoe area willing or able to help far away chippers (cash upfront) acquire certain chips from that area AT FACE VALUE (plus shipping of course) in QUANTITY (to some degree - not 100's of chips... but possibly 5-10 of each/ for certain chips I would like to acquire.

Will not go into this further on board... but if someone has FREQUENT and FLEXIBLE ACCESS to Tahoe / Reno chips... and will work for nothing vbg (but the satisfaction of sharing their locality?? rofl ) - please e-mail me. grin

ok... how about 10%? Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

Tahoe chip help needed
Re: Tahoe chip help needed
Re: Tahoe chip help needed
Re: Tahoe chip help needed
For those who have not yet dealt with Jill....
For chips I wish I had saved myself some $$ on
Re: Tahoe chip help needed

Copyright 2022 David Spragg