Yes, it is awful the way these web sites start-off being so nice and then lower the boom once you are hooked on the site. It is almost mandatory to use eBay now, and then they change the rules. I hope someone starts an anti-trust lawsuit against the mercenary !&%$!!@% bums.
Getting back to PayPal, they just raised their rates, effective July 14, to charge 2.9% plus 30 cents for most accounts for receiving money. (Now it is 2.2% plus 30 cents per receipt of money.) That is more than eBays final value percent (5% up to $25; 2.5% above $25).
Now if you list an item for $100 on eBay and sell for that, you are paying eBay close to 5% (I include listing fee and final value fee). Then if you add on PayPal's new rates, it is about 8% total. And if you want to add on esnipes 1% on buying the mdse. in the first place, it is 9%! Ye Gads!