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The Chip Board Archive 05

More lottery payments received

Please don't anyone take these notices of updated payments received for the lottery participants as any sort of a dunning list.

I am listing these notices daily for a while just so you know if your payment was received. It is much easier to do it this way than to e-mail 52 separate thank you messages.

I am just as aware as the rest of you that the mail can take many many days to reach me (even if mailed across town) and just because I have not as yet received yours that I am in any way concerned.

For those of you who have not mailed in your payment, please, just send the $5.00 and no more.
I am totally embarrassed by some of the generous "bonuses" being included. The money will go to the charity but I am keeping the chips vbg.

Again, this is just my lazy way to let you know I received your payment.

Thanx so much, everyone

Tom Leggio ---------payment received

Bill Thompson

Robert Touts

Mike Robison

Andy Hughes ------payment received

Mike Poole

Doug McKenzie----Payment received

Robert Eisenstadt

Wayne Murphy

Luke Rapley

Clyde Bailey -------payment received

Nate Pincus --------payment received

Scott Blackburn----payment received

Jill B

Jerry Heim

Rick Minor

Paul Brown ---------payment received

Bruce karli ---------payment received

Ralph Myers-------payment received

Carol Wendleton

Dale Horyna-------payment received

Greg Susong-------payment received

David Hench

Jim Gardner--------payment received

Ed Bigley

Jim Kruse----------payment received

Mark Lighterman

John Benedict-----payment received

Michael Richter---payment received

Bob Orme

Travis Lewin

Bill Harkin

Don Poole----------payment received

Larry Hollibough

Peter Sanders

Skip Harouff--------payment received

Jim Perlowski------payment received

Larry Markman

Bill Sargent

Dan Clark---------payment received

Doug Cundiff

Jack Weingarten--payment received

John Long----------payment received

Wes Baucom

Tommy Glaze------payment received

Rose and Larry Nitz

Wayne Thompson

John Massimiani--payment received

Marty Kaplan-----payment received

Barry Hauptman

Ron Kirzner

Messages In This Thread

More lottery payments received
Re: More lottery payments received
Re: More lottery payments received
Quitter never wins....try, try and try again.
Re: More lottery payments received
Re: More lottery payments received

Copyright 2022 David Spragg