I got the Brian McClean slot round robin in the mail monday and went through it, picking out eight cards. Thought I would have gotten more, but I guess I filled too many holes in my collection when I was trading in Las Vegas. Thanks, Brian! You know, I got in on this RR back on May 1st, and you never (unless I missed it) posted a listing of the Round Robin members. I was starting to worry until I finally heard it was on the way to me, and when I got it I then found I was the 12th on the list, final person before it went back to you. I hope you enjoy the returns. Anybody who goes to the trouble of organizing and first sending out a Round Robin deserves to be rewarded! (Delivery Conf. No. 0300 1290 0001 0132 1870)
Having gotten that RR in and out, I see that Paul Donohue in Maryland just sent Dennis McCormack's "CCCC#4 Slot RR" off to me on Monday, and I imagine I will see it tomorrow. Will post the status of that RR when I finish. (By the way, Dennis -- what does the CCCC stand for? Cwacked Cwazy Collectin' Chowderheads?)