That is one of the best parts of the digital cameras. I would sit in my hotel room at the end of the day and view all my pictures. I deleted the bad ones or misshots and duplicates and could go out and take more pictures. When I got home I had 170 good usable shots.
Last night my friends, who went with me a few weeks ago, and I got together and everyone was passing their pictures around. One person had about 5 rolls with her and over half of them, taken with a point and shoot 35, were too dark or out of focus. People wondered why so many of mine looked so good. I did but didn't want to tell them that I deleted the bad ones and shot more. Also, Being able to see them right away I could adjust the camera and keep shooting till it was right. I had about a dozen pictures of the fountains at Bellagio. I have about 6 or 8 that are really good.
I didn't take my laptop with me so there was still some anxiety about getting home and seeing them on a bigger screen. Also, I almost died waiting to print some of them out. Being able to see them right away just wets your appetite to get home to your computer and printer.