1. WHY do people go to websites or message boards and hang-out/ post when it obviously is NOT the kind of site they enjoy and can partipate?
I mean - geeez! You won't find ME hanging out on the "Women who Quilt" boards... I just CAN'T relate!
2. What is cyber-terrorism? Is that like cyber-sex?
I mean - HOW FAR CAN IT GO ANYWAY?? Either one can have a hand (whoops? is that a pun? ) in the matter by participating and / or encouraging an exchange of words - OR one could take matters into their own hand(s) and walk away from the computer (site/ room) and dismiss the matter entirely and effortlessly?
"Cyber terrorism" sounds like an easy thing to avoid... and until some poor soul is physially chased from their computer into the next room by some maniac bursting through a monitor from "Kitty's_Kinky_Korner" - "cyber_ANYTHING" is a pathetic excuse for feeling threatened.
3. "Concerned Chipper".
Hmmmmm... anyone else having flashbacks of reading Dear Abby???