Pete, Be assured that at the time of the auction in March I was only aware of only 2 – 3 samples. And in this current auction that ended today, I didn’t have to disclose my opinion, as there were being more. I could have simple quoted the book. But thanks to Mr. Pardue opinion a chip that sold for 565.00, couldn’t get the minimum bid of 275.00. I don’t think that’s because of an increase in samples going from 2-3 to 4- 7. But who knows, maybe that’s why it didn’t sell. Or simply there is more supply than demand for this chip, we will never know for sure.
Jim, how would you feel if you had a chip for sale and you thought was priced below book value and Mr. Pardue said he didn’t think it would sell for the minimum while the auction is going on? I think you to would be upset.