Hi Robert, thank you very much for your observation and your opinion as it relates to my auction. Why did you feel it necessary to give your opinion as to the salability of my chip? Before you answer the question, please take note that I have sold two of the same chip in excess of 400.00 each. And because of my first hand experience selling the exact same chips were my reasons for stating in my auction my believe that there are more than the 2 – 3 samples that an
R – 10 indicates in the official U.S Casino Chip Price Guide, by Campiglia and Wells.
It is true I won this chip at the club’s auction for 150.00 + buyers fee and taxes that brought the total to 177.00 But I suspect there were many other chips bought at the club’s auction below book value and resold at a profit without your observation and opinion. I don’t believe buying a chip below book value and then trying to resell it at a profit for below book value constitutes your interfering with my auction.
Having said that, I would appreciate you keeping you options to yourself as it relates to my auctions, Thank you very much Robert. BTW: Your reply to my question is not required!