If you made a request to be added to this list, and your name is missing, please notify me immediately.
I guess it has beed decided that you should send your $5.00 directly to me via snail mail. Please submit a.s.a.p.
I am leaving in a few moments to purchase 40 $5.00 tickets for all those currently on the list.
I will try to make a second run, if necessary, to accommodate those that register between now and 12:00 noon.
Paul A. Sax -paid
Tom Leggio
Bill Thompson
Robert Touts
Mike Robison
Andy Hughes
Mike Poole
Doug McKenzie
Robert Eisenstadt
Wayne Murphy
Luke Rapley
Clyde and Toni Bailey
Nate Pincus
Scott Blackburn
Jill B
Jerry Heim
Rick Minor
Paul Brown
Bruce and Donna karli
Ralph Myers
Carol and David Wendleton
Dale Horyna
Greg Susong
David Hench
Jim Gardner
Ed Bigley
Jim Kruse
Mark Lighterman
John Benedict
Michael Richter
Bob Orme
Travis Lewin
Bill Harkin
Don Poole
Ed Bigley
Larry Hollibough
Peter Sanders