I just heard that the California lottery is now up to $132,000.000 (hope I have enough 0's)
Have decided since most of you want to make a $5.00 bet, that is what we will have. Let's make it just one $5.00 bet per family. Remember folks, the odds are 41 million to 1.
I know that I am thinking prematurely, but just in case, I wanted to let you know I am opting for the one time payout. All taxes must be paid prior to any payout of winnings.
I have checked into the Paypal, but noticed that I am allowed to receive only up to $100.00 per month free of charge. Am I reading this correctly?
Please hold on to your money until requested. I'm just thankful that not all 2,500 (+) members are not on-line (a potential $12,500 outlay of cash.
For those of you who do not have my current address, it is:
Paul A. Sax
8105 Mesa Oak Way
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610-0607
What I am going to do is list your names as is shown below. As payment is received, I will post paid after your name and psot it daily on the board so you know just where you stand.
I will NOT dun you for payment, I don't have the time or gumption to do that.
I assume you are all over 21 years of age and can afford to lose the $5.00 wager as your odds of ever receiving anything for your money are next to nil. The only think I will guarantee you is that I will use all the money to buy the tickets and will post pictures of the purchased tickets prior to the drawing tomorrow night. I do not accept any responsibility if you lose your total amount.
Which brings me to another subject. It is possible that we may win a lesser amount of money, like maybe $5.00 total on all the tickets we buy for picking one number. If that is the case, I will return any winnings to you if you will send me a self-addressed postage paid envelope. If you do not do this, than I will donate any return of investment to a charity of my choice.
I guess that is it for the moment. Again, I am open for any suggestions.
Good Luck to all of us.
Remember, you have until 12:00 noon to get your request in to me.
So far we have 21 on the list consisting of:
Paul A. Sax
Tom Leggio
Bill Thompson
Robert Touts
Mike Robison
Andy Hughes
Mike Poole
Doug McKenzie
Robert Eisenstadt
Wayne Murphy
Luke Rapley
Clyde and Toni Bailey
Nate Pincus
Scott Blackburn
Jill B
Jerry Heim
Rick Minor
Paul Brown
Bruce and Donna karli
Ralph Myers
Carol and David Wendleton