... to be delivered (or returned to sender) to Ohio:
Several years ago Michael Knapp had a mailing address in Worthington, Ohio. He purchased some chips from me; included payment, and I mailed him the chips.
While at our club convention that year, Michael walks up to my table and mentions that he never received the chips. "Michael!!!" I replied, "that has got to be six months ago!!!" Michael smiled, and I either returned his money or replaced the chips at that time (don't remember which).
It so happens that the USPS informed those persons with a Worthington address (or somehing close to this) that their new address will be Columbus -- which took place at about the same time I sent Michael his chips to the Worthington address.
Anyway, a week or two later I receive my mail to Michael with a rubber stamp reading something to the effect that either there was no Worthington or no Michael Knapp.
I placed that packet into a larger packet, and Michael finally received his original purchase 6-months later.
Michael has never trusted me, since.