This is the standard note that I send to sellers who do not properly identify fantasy chips in their auction descriptions. Maybe if we all sent a similar message to these sellers, they would finally get the message.
I noticed your current auction of chips from the xxx casino.
You are probably not aware, but these chips were produced after the casino closed and were never meant to be used in the casino. They are commonly called "Fantasy", "Commemorative" or "Counterfeit" chips. These chips are common and available from casino chip dealers for about $1 each today. You can find additional information about these chips on the web site of the Casino Chip & Gaming Token Collectors Club, a national club devoted to casino collectibles. Just click below.
Some casino chip collectors consider selling these chips without describing what they really are as fraud. I assume that you did not know what these chips are. Please do the right thing and cancel this auction. You can then put the chips back up for auction with a more accurate description.
Thank you.