A day late and a dollar short (as usuall) as Greg has already beat me posting the new rack from Northern Lights Casino. The last time I was up that way, they were construction a new casino in the north east portion of their parking lot. This "new" casino opened 12 May this year. No idea what if anything is being done with the "old" casino, but I hope to make it up there first part of next month (funds permiting and gas prices staying reasonable).
Three other northern casino have changed names as follows:
"The Seven Clans of the Red Lake Bankd of Chippewa have chosen to use the Seven Clans name for Tribal Business endeavors. The tribe wanted to bring something totally unique for the entire family to their casino with a 40,000 square foot Indoor Waterpark, and to honor the history and culture of the Tribe's ancestral families through the desing and decor of all three of the Tribe's gaming facilites. This led to the desire to revitalize the use of the Seven Clans name.
The Enterpirse will bear the name Seven Clans, as will at three casinos of the Enterprise, distinguised by their respective locations: Thief River Falls, Warroard and Red Lake, all in Minnesota.
The casinos were formerly knowwn as Red Lake Casino, River Road Casino, and Lake of the Woods Casino."
As reported in the Casino Guide, Minnesota Gaming Directory, 2001 Edition.
The new casino names for your records are:
Seven Clans Red Lake
Seven Clans Thief River Road
Seven Clans Warroad
One would hope that they would all have new racks in play.