I am NOT criticizing the TCR or the authors...and hope that isn't what you think. (maybe I should have picked "Al's Speakeasy" for my "prime casino" - I think they only have...what? 5 chips?
But there is NO WAY you guys can hope to keep these straight - not one "add this one email" at a time... especially when no one (but me) probably cares about keeping them "straight" anyway (I'm kidding - and know that isn't true.)
The book planned for release (by Jim ??? - I'm sorry - couldn't find the post for his last name...) - if I understood correctly - will have manufacturer names, descriptions, colors used in order , year of issue ... and I think he said a lot of previously unseen/ unknown/ unlisted chips and roulettes.
This should eliminate a lot of "guesswork"... and "one chip here - one there" additions. And best of all FOR YOU GUYS (who are gallantly and sucessfully providing the most comprehensive Nevada guide to chip collectors) - hopefully a reduction in "the same chip being called something else by someone else at another time".
Since I seem to care the most - when the time is right - when the info is available... if I can help you guys in any way - please let me know and I will do it. If it means buying the book and assembling a list or disk or database or typing...WHATEVER it takes - I'd be happy to do whatever you'd need so that you guys can just "add the new info" with as less grief as possible.