I don't think I picked up on the fact that your numerical rating system had nothing behind it. By "un-official" I thought you meant that was your own personal scale and not related to Jim & Steve's as published in their book. (I thought you chose your wording in relation to the title of their book.) Sorry for not catching that...
That said, I'm glad to hear you say "Having read all these messages, I will not be using my un-official numerical system to help describe the condition of the chip." I think you'll save yourself some headaches.
Frankly, when I first saw your auction, I made the natural assumption that you were using the scale from Jim & Steve's book since you didn't say. Given the picture, I thought to myself, "You've got to be kidding--this person must be trying con people". I'm glad to find that it was a "lack of documentation leading to a natural assumption" rather than fraud. I was actually ready to launch a complaint with E-bay. (And I don't tend to get into these religious wars very often.)