Hi Bryan, I believe I already answered your concerns. I already said that grading is very subjective at best. And I don’t have an exact correlation to what numeric value equals the verbiage that equates to the condition of the chip.
I think when someone tries to put a numeric value in respect to a chips condition, what one is doing is in essence trying to save from writing a long description of what the condition of the chip is. I think you will find in a large amount of auctions that the description of the condition is usually omitted or if it is included it will lack an extensive detail. I find in to many auctions that do have a description of the condition as being very general, i.e. good, very good, excellent. All I was trying to do was save time from writing a detailed description of the chip as it relates to its condition.
Allow me to add that I have never had a chip returned to me because my numeric value was inconsistent with the arrival of a chip to the customer. As governed by our by laws, I will always refund money back if not fully satisfied, no questions asked. All I always ask is that the buyer eat the cost of sending the chip back to me; after all I’m eating the cost that Ebay hands out. And yes I know I can request a credit from Ebay, but like I said it has never happened.
This Saturday I will start up a few more auction with more detailed verbiage and hope other sellers that read this post might consider spending the time in describing the condition of there chip. I also wish that one day we can have a standard that will equate a numeric value with the verbiage that we can all agreed on. And last but not least, my id on Ebay is chiper123, so please bid on my chips so I can buy more, thanks.