It seems that Quasimotto (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) was in dire need of a vacation and there was no one available to replace him to ring the church bells. So an ad was placed in the local newspaper. The first applicant who showed up had no arms. The interviewer told the fellow, I am all for hiring the handicapped, but how can you pull the rope to ring the bells if you have no arms? The eager applicant just replied: "Give me a chance, I know I can do it." "OK, go ring the bell for me" the interviewer replied.
So the no arms man ran up the stairs to the bell tower, took a long run head first right into the bell and "BONG" the bell rang. Somewhat dizzy, he made his way back to the interviewer's office. The interviewer congratulated the man and said the one bell was good, but sometimes he would have to ring the bell 12 times, "Do you think you could do it?" "OK, let me try." He replied. So again he made his way to the bell tower and ran head first into bell "BONG" and again "BONG" and again "BONG". Now he was so dizzy when he ran to towards the bell he missed it and flew out of the bell tower and down 1,000 feet to his untimely demise.
Later when the police were questioning the interviewer, they asked if he knew the victim's name. The interviewer replied: "No I don't, but his face rings a bell."
Wait ... it gets better.
Well they still needed someone to replace the vacationing Quasimotto. The next applicant also had no arms and was the brother of the first applicant. Well exactly the same thing happened again ... BONG BONG BONG and out the window. The interviewer was again asked the same question by the police: "Did you get his name?" His reply this time was: "No, but he was a dead ringer for his brother."