Please know that some of what was said was tongue-in-cheek, while other comments were generalities bemoaning the lack of a grading system and/or existence of a grading system and the various degrees of opinion within those extremes. (I think we need a system to rate those degrees of opinion .)
Anyway, when I handle chips, I mentally apply a system of condition/grading, which is important to me. I apply this test to each chip in my collection whenever I encounter a duplicate, as I try to retain the best one (in my opinion).
While my mental test is not the C/W 100 point system, it is certainly not 'a chip is a chip' system (unless I only have one example). I lean toward. the system that ranks condition into 6 or 7 areas, as I find it virtually impossible to have a 100 point system.
In the overall, I appreciate that fact that condition is important to you, and that you are simply trying to help viewers of your auction to make an informed decission.
Regards, Jim Follis