Jim - I got 3 chips: the dark center DD, the Baja and Apache Gold fractional for $55.
Believe me - I was delighted!
I bought a lot of stuff from the same seller... $170+ - but $55 was what he said on the 3 AZ's.
I also got the $10 Maz from him. ($12). This is a current chip - but Payson (again) is out of my neck of the woods. (Of course - Prescott is a long way from everywhere. )
He also wanted to get rid of some higher denominations ($10 Fort McD and $20 Ak-Chin) and asked me to redeem them for him as he couldn't do much with them (no one wanted them I guess since few people want anything above $5's (out-of-NV or out of their collecting interests)so I bought them (at face) from him.
This winded up being was a 3 part kinda deal between us I guess ~ several transactions that were beneficial to both of us.
I didn't want the dark DD so badly I'd pay $100 for it. (I can't remember but did the seller who contacted me via email want $190 for one??? Bill T.?? Was that right? Was it $90? or $190??)
BUT I wanted the Baja chip bad enough to pay $50 for it alone. "Fair" is in the eyes of the "non-holder" I guess.