Just to clarify, does this include the $25 Fremont chip that was counterfeited years ago? Now sold openly as an interesting historical example, and priced accordingly.
I have no problem with LCM's sale of the Fremont $25 chip, as he explains the background of the chip. I knowingly bought one & have it in my collection.
What about Borland counterfeits? I have a few in my collection that I know about (and perhaps others that have escaped detection, who knows?).
Of course, I am totally opposed to any deceptive counterfeiting and sales of chips, such as the evidently "doctored" brass core chip problem.
The key point is that no chip should be knowingly misrepresented. And if a seller unknowingly misrepresents and sells and chip, should offer a refund. However, I think the club's current code of ethics covers such transgressions anyway, so your new pledge may not really be necessary, as long as the transaction is between club members.
I am in favor of publicizing a list (preferably with pictures) of counterfeit/altered chips, so chippers will know what to watch out for.
Am also in favor of chips/tokens being covered by Hobby Protection Act.