Before leaving the Club's outstanding Convention I was talking to Jerry about retired life and what he was doing for fun (as if I didn't already know). Jerry told me that he planned to wind his way home from the Convention looking for casinos to patronize. I gave my telephone numbers to Jerry and told him to call me when he arrived in northern Illinois. Well, it was Friday night and I was not at any of the numbers I gave him. My son gave Jerry some vague directions to a small village called Shorewood (just west of Joliet) where I work at a friend's bar/night club on weekends. While Jerry was travelling west on I-80 (having just completed his harvesting in Iowa) he saw an exit sign that said "Joliet". He quickly exited and stopped to ask if anyone knew where "Bedrocks" was in Shorewood. Well, "Bedrocks" being the hot bed of action in the village of Shorewood, the person he was talking with knew exactly where it was (last night we had an all-male review with the room packed with 150 ladies--and me forgetting to bring my speedo to work. I'll be ready for the next event!). You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw Jerry with his broad grin walking through the door. His first question was how can I get to the casinos in Joliet! (The man is always working!)
Jerry planned to hit the Joliet casinos last night and this morning then on to the bustling casino operations in northern Indiana. Unless he goes south in Indiana, he should be home some time Sunday.
Jerry, it was great seeing you. I'm sorry we didn't have time to go "harvesting" together.
Chuck T.