Second place went to Mel Jung and Bruce Landeau (?????? uh oh! Spelling!!) for their magnificent display of the last century $100 chips.
Dear Lord!! I actually was allowed to help with that display and held chips in my hand I WILL NEVER hold again... like the awesome black Famingo die-cut. Mel was laughing when about every 10th chip as I'd hold it - gently cradled like a newly hatched bird and swoon,
"Ooohhhhh. look at this one!"
"Ohmiosh - LOOK at THIS one."
Not sure how many voted... but Mel and Bruce had no less than a half a million dollars worth of history for us to view and enjoy. (140+ chips @ face... just start there for "general value")
THANKS TO ALL those who participated in the exhibits!! JIM KRUSE!! LOVED your quilts!!!
PS: I got Bruce's and Mel's $10 entry prize for helping set up