I don't like to read this board much anymore, because I'm sick of reading lies about me and James. I am only going to respond to one specific comment, "Personally, I think you consulted with ICG before you wrote the 1st issue of your book". This is complete bulls**t. I am going to go through this one time and one time only. The person who consulted with ICG was undoubtedly Mark Scott, not me or James. I have never had any conversation with anyone at ICG about grading. NEVER. NOT ONE FUCKING TIME! IS this clear enough for you? Also, look at the facts. Our system uses a 100 point system. ICG uses the 70 point MS coin system. I have stated several times that I was against this system. I even told Mark Scott a long time ago that I was against this system. He said he wanted the 70 point system because coin collectors would be more familiar with it. I responded that I thought chips should have their own unique system and should not be anything like the MS 70 coin grading system. ICG is using the MS 70 system. They did this because I believe Mark Scott pushed for it. That's his right of course, but I don't agree with him. If we were behind ICG's grading system, then why aren't they using our 100 point system? The answer is that they are not. They do have some backasswards conversion chart which supposedly can be used with our book, but it's not accurate. They're trying to "legitimize" their system by referring to our book. The reason we didn't do anything about it is that we thought we might sell more copies of our book. If you were down over $10,000 of your own money, you might feel the same way we do. Would I feel differently if a better company graded chips properly and used our system as a basis? Maybe, but that hasn't happened yet and probably never will. ICG didn't do their homework, that's for sure. I examined a few of their graded chips and thought they did a horrible job. Whoever is actually grading the chips doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground - or a nick from a gouge, wear from an inlay and crosshatching from a token! That's all I have to say, except that I'm sticking mostly with slot cards from now on- it's a lot more fun. Gene, do me and James a favor - stay out of our lives and our business.