On the subject of the 12-year old girl who was dropping tokens in a slot machine. In my opinion, I think that a minor in a place of gambling should be fined for breaking the law, if the father was present he should also bear the responsibility of a fine as well. However, this is not a violent crime and the fine should be reasonable, but still a deterrent. The casino however should be accountable to a higher standard and a higher penalty imposed. They admit that they can catch people cheating at the games in their casinos with the thousands of eyes-in-the-ceiling. If they have the ability to watch someone cheat with slight of hand at the tables or one of the thousands of machines, I would expect that they could detect a minor in plain view in the casino. They are required by law to monitor the casinos for minors, the age of the people whom they are serving alcohol to, etc., it is a great responsibility imposed on the casino that they understand prior to going into the business and accept. In my opinion they are well aware that there are minors in their casinos and only enforce the law enough to make a token effort. I don't think it's really that high of a priority with the casinos but the legal risks to them doesn't allow them to do nothing at all. If a kid drops a few bucks the casino usually comes out ahead, if they don't turn their head it p*sses off mom and dad who are dropping the big bucks in their casino. The casinos sure don't want that, after all they are catering to them in the first place.
I don't know if the law is right or wrong, or if it even matters. It is the voice of the people. If it's not, change it. But until then it's the law, weight your risks accordingly.
( I do agree there is NO comparison to gambling and substance abuse )
Mike Poole
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