Here's an easy way to actually post the link for your auctions inside your message here.
Using Internet Explorer go to your auction.
Now click on "File" then "New" then "Window".
This will open a new window where you can now go to TheChipBoard. Select "Post New Message"
Now switch back to the window where your auction is and then put your mouse cursor into the "Address" window and click on it. The address in the window will highlight usually blue.
Now click your "RIGHT" mouse button and select "Copy".
Go back to the Window for "TheChipBoard" and put your cursor inside the "Message" window and "RIGHT" click your mouse button and select "Paste". Your link is now inserted into your message.
Using Netscape is the same except instead the "Address" window Netscape uses "Location". And for opening another window it is "File", "New", "Navigator Window".
You can also put (copy) the link in the "Optional Link URL:" box below your message but before you copy the link in that box you need to remove the "http://" already in the box before you copy to it. If you do this you also need to type a Name for your link in the "Optional Link Title:" box under it.
Here's the direct link to your auction done this way.
I've also put it inside the boxes below so the link is at the bottom of this message as well.
Using Netscape I've also copied the image location and copied it into the "Optional Image URL:" box here so your auction's image shows up too.