stay away from pulling cards out of machines if any body in the vacinity. there are some people who put cards in machines on both sides of themself and give a machine a break shift back and forth. i have only heard of one time that the security stopped some one. he said they were for his kids and he had to give them up. that was one of the casinos in Conn. i also ask if that is your card. then upon examinig it oh that is were my wife lost it. some casino do not care and you can find cards all over the place some you almost never see a loose card. good luck. oh course the best way is to go to the slot club booth and ask for one for you and your wife even if you do not have a wife. then while they are making them ask if you can both have 2. that way you get 4 nice new cards. then protect them from further damage. i bet they are going to try to make these like baseball cards. in plastic that dreaded slabbing.