I understand what an overwhelming task it would be to "redefine" all the chips... and I'm not sure that would even be possible based on the changes to the chips over the years or if it would even be necessary.
But I feel STRONGLY that something standard (a chart - something!) would be helpful to share consistant information between parties based on what the people are actually looking at.
When two people are discussing or defining a chip - and one probably has it in hand - BECAUSE we all see and interpret colors differently - if the two people were looking at the same guide - REGARDLESS what a book or record calls "that color" - the two people would clearly establish the "color of the chip" based on what they are seeing - today - now - at least there would be less surprises. Does that make sense????
If I say "It is green" and a person says, "GREEN? That's BLUE!" - what can we do?? Not much! If I say the chip most closely matches COLOR G-4 on the SCS (standard color chart) -even if that chip WAS blue once... at least we'd both understand what color that chip IS now - and we could make our own associations and assumptions on "where it has been" and why it "looks like that" today.
Last week somone emailed me because he had purchased a Harrah's obs. He said the chip was listed as one color (can't remember but for sake of making a point, I'll say the seller said the chip was "tan". He bought it. Got the chip and realized it was the chip he calls "orange" (or something - don't quote me on any facts here! hahaha) and he already had the "orange" chip. His loss was my gain and he is selling me the chip as it is a duplicate.
POINT IS: If buyer and seller (traders/ collectors/ dealers/ authors) had a standard means of understanding not only what the color appears to be - but to impart that information to others somewhat accurately/ consistantly - so "in theory" we are at least looking at/ understanding what the color is - REGARLDESS of what you - or James C. - or I - or Paul-son call it... THEN matching our assessment to the books would be so much easier with less "personal interpretation".
By the way: Are you willing to throw out and opinion on what the TCR# is of THIS CHIP??? This was my breaking point with color! I CARE LESS AT THIS POINT WHAT THE CHIP IS - I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT COLOR! I'd love to hear YOUR interpretation (based on scan - I understand - is difficult) - but TCR lists two possibilities... since I don't know what "the other possibility" looks like - all I know is this would be "the alternative" by default.
TCR is an enormous resource for us all... and if you call something "blue" and I think it is "red" - NO BIG DEAL -as long as I understand that this particular shade of "red" is called "blue" by some. . But when I describe the chips to others... (who'd call it "brown") - matching it to a guide and giving the closest shade in a manner EVERYONE could think', "OH! Color 23! It's THAT shade of "blue/ green/ brown/ purple".
Thank you! and thank goodness for the work you all do for us on TCR!