... different, Scott. A 12-year-old lacks the physical, mental and experiential skills to drive a car safely on modern streets. Therefore, allowing one to do so would create a safety hazard to other people.
A 12-year-old playing a slot machine creates no danger to other people. Therefore, the driving example is not a valid comparison.
The attitude that playing a slot machine at the age of 12, under the direct supervision of a parent, implies a belief that gambling is somehow immoral (which, of course, some people believe).
I, however, do not think it's up to me (or anyone else) to decide for any other parent whether they should teach their children about gambling; or if they decide to do so, how they should do it. It's just none of my business; nor the business of any other individual; and therefore, not the business of government, either.
Your comment ...
>> When Rama first opened there were a couple of
>> instances where parents left the children
>> in the car in the parking lot while they went
>> into gamble.
... describes conduct which I find far more reprehensible than bringing a 12-year-old into a casino.
Frankly, most major casinos (at least those I've visited in Las Vegas & Reno) are safer and more wholesome than a lot of local movie theaters, shopping centers and other neighborhood hangouts.
----- jim o\-S