C'mon Gene... Haven't you figured me out yet.
I may be stubborn, but I AIN'T STUPID
Those colors above actually depict the chips closer than what we "call" them (hey - if I don't know something, I'll make something up!
"Peach" has been pretty accepted as the color of the lighter inlay... including being accepted by me. It was the "other- darker" color has been tossed around a few shades - until I became unsure if we were talking about "a different" table of chips.
But if Bud Jones says it is "lt orange"... I can deal with that - JUST SO LONG AS I KNOW that when someone says "it is a diecar with lt orange inlay" (regardless of what color I would have chosen - or they would have... or Bud did) - that I know we are thinking of the same basic color/ chip/ table ... INSTEAD of thinking
"OK - not the peach, but the orange - which would make it a "different" chip."
COOL! I am happy with this
Thanks all!! Big help as always and ANSWERS!!LOVE ANSWERS!!